
Dear ,

Thank you for registering to come along and find out more about Protecting Your Legacy on Thursday 5th October at Longcliffe Golf Club. Due to unforeseen circumstances we've taken the difficult decision to postpone the seminar. 

I don't want you to miss out on the information we were planning to share with you during the presentation, so I'd like to offer you a one-to-one meeting, with no cost or obligation, to talk through the key things that you need to think about when planning your affairs, from ensuring your Will is up to date to Inheritance Tax Planning, the best use of Trusts and whether you need to consider Business Legacy Planning. 

As a Financial Planner, I've seen first-hand the impact that great legacy planning can have for people. Knowing that you've got your affairs in order and that your money, your belongings and any property or assets will be handled as you wish is an essential step in being able to relax and enjoy spending your energy on other things. 

If you'd like to take advantage of my offer to meet, you can reply to this email or call 01509 635467 to arrange a date through our Administration team. Just tell them you were booked onto the seminar and they'll know what to do!

I'm looking forward to meeting you.

Best wishes,

Ross Mackie

Chartered Financial Planner

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